Monday, February 8, 2010

Selig's Statue

So the Brewers have decided to erect a statue for commissioner and former owner Bud Selig. While I do admire his ability to rise to the top of baseball for me his lasting image in Milwaukee is his All Star Game tie. When he looked like a hero to Milwaukee fans before that, bringing a baseball team back to Milwaukee, building a new stadium, and eventually having an All Star Game to Milwaukee; he found a way to mess it up. I think Selig is a good guy and do not want to ride him too hard for his poor managing skills or inability to make a tough decision. However, I do request that the statue erected outside the stadium is the typical Selig pose seen on the picture to the left. Selig's classic "I don't know what to do" pose is what I remember most about the guy


  1. bud selig brought baseball back to milwaukee, and saved baseball from the brink of NHL-esque destruction in the mid-90s.

    the all star game fiasco is ridiculous, but seriously, the fans in milwaukee paid for 9 innings of meaningless baseball, they got 11. what more do you want?

    selig's true legacy will be Miller Park and interleague play -- both of which are awesome. go bud selig.

  2. This article got copied by 620 the next day... no joke exactly....

  3. remember, you saw it first on two cents! haha

  4. Brendan: dude, you're not the only person who had this idea... Nobody stole it...because thousands of Brewer fans thought the exact same thing.
