Monday, February 15, 2010

The Craziness of Short Track

While I was watching short track speed skating the other day, I couldn't believe the unpredictability of the race. While I do not want to underplay Apollo Ohno's silver medal, if you see how he wins it, its pretty crazy.

While some experts will say it was smart, that Ohno was in the back and out of the mess. I think that many times if fortune is on your side, and your talented and fast enough to be close... you can win.

I actually love the sport because its pretty much roller derby on ice! It's crazy to think about training for an event for 4 years and seeing the silver medal and then a teammate knocking himself and you out of the race. CRAZY!!!

1 comment:

  1. His pass in the first round also showed just how quickly a race can change, as Ohno went from 5th to 1st in one single move.
